Nulon Pro-Strength Long Term Anti-Wear Engine Protection 500ml - LTAWEP
SKU: 963182 / OA00620
Part Number: LTAWEP
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Nulon Pro-Strength Long Term Anti-Wear Engine Protection additives are a high performance range of engine and fuel additives that utilise advanced additive technology formulated specifically to maintain reliability and increase performance. The products provide excellent antiwear protection and promote clean burning of fuel, lowering emissions levels.
- Reduces friction
- Reduces wear
- Provides superior cold start protection
- Prolongs engine life
- Promotes smoother engine performance
- Suitable for all petrol engines and oil types
Directions for Use:
- Warm the engine to normal operating temperature and then stop the engine.
- Shake the bottle well and add the contents to the engine oil.
- For best results, add when replacing with new engine oil.
- Restart the engine to circulate the formula.
- Idle for 15 minutes or go for a drive.
- The PTFE coating will complete over a short period of time around the engine.
- Reapply every year to ensure the PTFE coating is sustained.
- Use once a year or whenever you change your engine oil.
Application Rates:
- Car Engines 1 Bottle
- Trucks & 4WD 1 Bottle per 6 litres sump capacity
- Motorcycles 1/2 Bottle (safe with wet clutches)
- For diesel engines, use Nulon Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Treatment (HDDET).
- Do not reuse container for any other purpose.
Part number: LTAWEP
Nulon Pro-Strength Long Term Anti-Wear Engine Protection 500ml - LTAWEP
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