Valvoline AdBlue is produced by combining highly purified urea with ultra-pure demineralised water under clean and controlled conditions. Valvoline AdBlue works with all Selective Catalyst Reduction systems (SCR) to significantly reduce NOx content in diesel engine exhaust streams.
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*Please Note: There is a maximum order quantity of 1 per customer*
1332.10 ADBLUE 10L VALVOLINE 1332-10
Significantly reduces nitrogen oxide (NOx) content in diesel engine exhaust streams.
- Stable and colourless.
- Non toxic and non-polluting.
- Valvoline suggests using with Benecor specialty pumps.
- VDA approved AdBlue.
- Genuine AUS2 Diesel Exhaust Fluid - AdBlue Specification
- Compatible with all diesel SCR systems
- Non-hazardous and non-flammable
- ISO 22241-1 Certified Quality
- Ready-to-use
Always use compatible containers for DEF including high density polyethylene (HDPE) and stainless steel.
Valvoline AdBlue 10L - 1332.10