Penrite Penblue Adblue Diesel Exhaust Fluid 3.5L - PENBLUE0035

Penrite Penblue Adblue Diesel Exhaust Fluid 3.5L - PENBLUE0035
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Penrite Penblue Adblue Diesel Exhaust Fluid 3.5L - PENBLUE0035


For diesel vehicles with SCR systems.
Reduces the NOx emissions generated during the combustion process.
Non toxic & safe to handle.
Not recommended to add to fuel or fuel tank.

4 payments of $8.75

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Product Details

Penrite Penblue Adblue Diesel Exhaust Fluid is a high-quality, urea-based solution specifically designed for diesel vehicles equipped with Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems. It helps reduce nitrogen oxide emissions, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations and optimal engine performance.


  • Reduces the NOx emissions generated during the combustion process.
  • Non toxic & safe to handle.
  • Registered and licensed product - Adblue.
  • AdBlue is a trademark of Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V.


  • In recent years environmental concerns have led to the introduction of SCR (Selective Catalyst Reduction) systems to assist in the lowering of emissions & greenhouse gases.Systems that require products like Penrite Penblue Adblue work in the following manner -Vehicles that use SCR are fitted with a diesel exhaust catalyst or a DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter).In a SCR system, an Aqueous Urea Solution is injected into the hot exhaust gas prior to the gas reaching the exhaust catalyst or DPF. When the solution makes contact with the hot exhaust gasses, it releases ammonia. When this reaches the catalyst (DPF), this in turn causes a reaction where the noxious gases are broken down into Nitrogen, Oxygen & Water. The effect of this reaction is that these SCR systems reduce noxious emissions to almost zero.


  • Penblue Adblue is added to a specially designed separate storage tank on SCR-equipped vehicles and is dosed into the SCR system at a rate equivalent to 3-5% of diesel consumption. All European truck manufacturers currently offer SCR equipped models, and the future Euro VI emission standard is set to reinforce the demand for this technology. SCR systems are sensitive to potential chemical impurities in the urea solution. Therefore, it is essential to maintain high standards of AdBlue quality according to the ISO 22241 standard. The standard covers the following components ISO 22241-1 Quality Requirements ISO 22241-2 Test Methods ISO 22241-3 Handling, Transport and Storing ISO 22241-4 Refilling Interface Storage & Notations.
  • Product is suitable for storage, in its original package, until eighteen (18) months from the date of manufacture, properly stored so that it does not exceed 30°C. The product can be corrosive for some metals and must be stored and transported using the correct materials. Penblue 10 Litre comes with a new and improved pouring spout for easy application.


  • Do not add to fuel or fuel tank. Pour into Diesel Exhaust Fluid Reservoir only.

Manufacturer's (OEM) Approvals & Industry Licenses:

  • Adblue

Product Performance Levels:

  • AUS 32
  • DIN 70070
  • Ford M99C130-A
  • Ford WSS-M99C130-A
  • ISO 22241

Part number: PENBLUE001


Density at 20°C, kg/m�1090
Viscosity at 25�C, mPa s1.4
Urea Content,%32.5
Crystallization Point, �C-11


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