Product Details
If you have a standard pressure washer with the standard quick release fittings, you can convert it to use with a wide range of different makes of pressure washers by installing a different style of quick release fitting. This will allow you to easily buy and sell pressure washers without having to buy or build new wands. All you need is an adaptor, which are cheap and easy to install.
All you need is an adaptor, which are cheap and easy to install. There are many different styles of quick release fitting available. You can find one that fits your existing wand's connection just by looking at the wand's manual (or looking online).
A Bowden's Own snow blow cannon works well with both the standard J-shaped quick release connector, as well as the flat-head type like this one from Nilfisk/Alto that you would use for other tools on your pressure washer (like a power broom).
Part number: BOADAPTER10
Bowden's Own Hitachi/ Vyking Force Electric PW - BOADAPTER10