Product Details
Bought a Bowden's Own Snow Blow Cannon at Costco, but my pressure washer is a Ryobi. Not to worry! I found that the snow cannon adaptor kit can be used between different types and brands of pressure washers. If you have this problem too, here's how I modified mine:
I started by taking off the end of the cannon where it connects to the hose. Then I unscrewed three screws on the side of the adaptor down by where the trigger is. I removed a piece of plastic with a screw in it and then used a drill to make space for another screw that would be holding the other half of my adaptor (the part that connects to my pressure washer).
On the back of my Ryobi there is a screw hole, so when I put it back together again I added another screw there before connecting it to the snow cannon. That screwed directly into my Ryobi's handle and made it so that if I want to use it with a different pressure washer all I have to do is unscrew that one screw and remove the adaptor.
I think this might work with a lot of different pressure washers!
Part number: BOADAPTER9
Bowden's Own Black & Decker Ryobi - BOADAPTER9