The WeatherTec Ultra Car Cover is a 'step up' in quality from the standard Weathertec series. Based on a varient of the renowned Genesis Fabric, it has been designed to offer excellent protection against the sun & UV exposure. It helps keep the vehicle cooler and offers protection against industrial pollutants and most air-born contaminants such as bird droppings, tree sap, rain oxidation. Heavy duty seams provide added strength in windy conditions. The multi-layer composite material is breathable and non abrasive. Elasticised hems located at the front and rear provide a snug fit. UltraGenesis Fabric, Genesis Fabric,
Features & Specs
- Weather resistant
- Breathable Fabric
- Elasticised Hems
- Lightweight Material
- Non Scratch
- UV Stabilised
- Resists Rot & Mildew
- Easy to fit
- Fits most extra large sized sedans up to 5.33m (4.96m to 5.33m)
Before selecting a size, always measure your entire car from bumper to bumper. Generally the owners manual will have information on the vehicles specifications including the overall length. Alternatively, this information may be found from the manufacturers website.